Videomapping with Unity

In this tutorial we will learn how to create a 3D structure in Unity, and map it inside Millumin. Of course, you can use other technologies to do so, such as Cinema 4D.
 General info on this tutorial : Structure

Feel free to download this complete project to have a ready-to-use demo :


 Or download the Unity package here and follow this tutorial :


You must run Millumin and Unity version 2017.4 LTS (or above).
 Let's start by creating an empty Unity project. Open Unity, create a new project (FileNew Project) and select the 3D template :

You should now have an empty scene with a Camera and a Directional light. Let's add a cube for our structure mapping (right-click inside the hierarchy view) :

Press the Play button at the top of your Unity window. You should see something like this :

The cube is a bit small and we only see a single face of it. To make a nice-looking mapping we want to have as many faces visible as possible.
 Select the cube element and go inside the inspector view. Scale its different axis to 3 and rotate it 25° along the Y axis :

We now see two faces of the cube :

Let's make the top face visible by moving the camera at 4 on the Y axis and rotating its X axis of a 25° angle :

This is the scene you should have now :

Before importing the Millumin Plugin we want to make sure our Unity project has the right settings.
 Go to FileBuild SettingsPlayer SettingsOther Settings and set the Scripting runtime version to .Net 4.x Equivalent :

Now, import the Unity package (that you downloaded above) from the Assets menu → Import Package :

Select your camera then add the Structure component from the Millumin option. Depending on your configuration, the plugin might ask you to change a few project settings. If so, follow the instructions and continue :

The structure node property represents the part of your scene that will be sent to Millumin. In our case, we want to send the cube :

The setup is done. Push the play button and open Millumin. Go to the output Menu, add a structure using the + button and select Unity as input.

You're done !


For structures with multiple elements, create an empty object named Structure, and link it to the structure plugin. All children of this element will be sent to Millumin.

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