Free Applications

Over the years, we have been developing some applications outside Millumin. Other developers also created nice utilities.
 We hope this ones may be useful for you :


We created this application for surtitles in theater and opera.
 More info on the dedicated website :


We created this application to generate a LTC signal (audio), MTC signal (MIDI) or NTC (network).
 It can be used directly with Millumin or another software.

Download :



Bitfocus Companion allows you to program your Stream Deck the easy way.
 Check this tutorial for examples : Control Your Show Remotely

Open Stage Control

Open Stage Control is a libre and modular OSC / MIDI controller, that can be used as a standalone application as well as on a mobile device's browser.
 Check this tutorial for examples : Control Your Show Remotely

VDMX Freebies

People behind VDMX software also offers nice applications, such as AVF Batch Converter or Black Syphon.
 More info on VDMX website :


Chataigne is a free and open-source modular software by Benjamin Kuperberg. It supports a wide range of protocols to create simple to complex interactions.
 To get a quick overview of Chataigne, you can read this tutorial : Setup a Backup Machine

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Indeed, it helps us to keep track of user requests, and see their popularity.

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