Light Plot

Millumin allows you to configure and control an entire light show, and synchronise it within your video show. This article explains the different steps to create such a light plot.

Create a Light

To get access to the light tool, switch to the light mode at the top right corner of the workspace :

In this mode, the workspace becomes a light plot. Now, when you click the + button at the bottom-left corner, it adds a light to the light plot (shortcut is CMD+L).

After creating your first light in Millumin, you have to link it to your real light. Lights are controlled via the DMX protocol. To learn more about suitable DMX devices to send DMX, please refer to this dedicated article : Devices .

First, you need to set the device for your light. In the properties-view, look at DMX channel field to do so :

If you does not find your device, click on the manage devices button :

Then, when your light is connected to its device, do not forget to check if it is connected to the right DMX channel :

You can now configure what kind of light you want to use. By default, the fixture is set to theatrical : a simple light with only one intensity channel. This kind of light is ideal to control standard lights like a PAR 16 :

For a better readability of your light plot, you can change the mode of your light :

By default, Millumin also handle RGB and RGBW PAR :

If you choose those fixtures, you can control each of the channel Red, Green, Blue or White.

Please note that you can control the global DMX volume via the DMX master.
 More info in this article : Monitor

Adding Custom Lights

If you cannot find the fixture you looking for, you can check on the Open-Fixture-Library website :

 But the simpliest way is to install all fixtures from this site by clicking the download fixtures item in the list of fixtures :

Once you have download these fixtures, they will appear in the list :

Lastly, if you still do not find your fixture, you can create it on Open-Fixture-Libary website here. It is nice because such a fixture will be shared with other users.


In the dashboard, lights are managed by states that store all the values for a specific column :

To create a state easily : launch a column, set the values for each light at this moment of your show, then press the save to column button.
 You can also add a state manually : first, be sure you are editing the board (shortcut is CMD+E), then click the + button on the desired column. Still while editing the board, you can select a state to edit its values in the properties-view as well as its title, or extend it over several columns :

If you need to check how the DMX is sent or simply test your lights, you can click the show DMX button to open the Monitor. More info in this dedicated article : Monitor


While states follow column transitions by default, video and lights timings tends to be very different.
 In this case and for each column, you can setup a specific transition for the lights :

You can even create an advanced transition for lights, that waits before starting and treats increasing or decreasing DMX differently :

Lastly, you can control the light transitions in the Monitor as well (especially if you choose to set a manual transition) :

In a Timeline

The timeline is a very useful tool when you want to manipulate your lights. It allows you to create animation loops for your lights, and recall them many time in your dashboard.
 To learn about animate, please refer to the dedicated article : Animate

By default, there is no light in a timeline. Indeed, you have to select the ones you want to work with, to add them :

Now you can animate your lights, then use this timeline in the dashboard. If your timeline only contains light animations, its thumbnail will reflect this :

Please note that if a timeline embed in the dashboard has conflicts with a state transition (because both try to control the same light for example), HTP (Highest Takes Precedence) will be applied : this is always the highest DMX value that will be sent.

Setting Up the Light Plot

Now let's take a closer look at the light plot. The main idea of this tool is to spatially manage your lights.

So you can insert a plan of your stage by drag-and-drop :

Then, place your lights accordingly.

You can also interact with the light : scroll to change the intensity of a light with your mouse :

Channel Grid

For more complex setup, you can use the channel grid instead of the light plot :

This mode especially features a command-line, so work with a keyboard only :

You can roll-over the i icon to learn all the command available.

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