Beta Version

🚀  Millumin 5 is currently in beta !
 It will be officially released early 2025.
 A lot of new features to test … and some more coming soon 🔥
 Note that it requires macOS Big Sur 11 minimum.


A beta version is for tests purpose. Do not use it in production environment unless you have correctly tested it with your project. Otherwise, please use the official version (you can get it from Millumin's website or from your account page).
 To automatically receive the beta versions, run Millumin and activate the proper option in Preferences/Update :


Press CMD+ENTER to bring up this pop-up window and quickly import some media. Indeed, with a few smart filters, you can browse easily your library, even looking for a color to match !
 For an even quicker access, double click where to import your content directly in the timeline for example.

Synced Library

Drag-and-drop a folder from Finder to Millumin and voilà : its whole content is now part of the library. And of course, if you add, remove or update a file deep inside hierarchy of this folder, it is all synced for you ! The perfect friend of the quick-find feature …
 Note that files outside such folders are also synced automatically.

Finally, you can double-click on a group or folder to focus on it :

Layer Groups

If you need to deal with a lot of layer, you can now group them. But layer-groups can also modify the rendering because they have their own blend-mode, opacity and effects.

Additionally, you can now collapse a canvas, the data-group or the light-group in the list.

Column Transitions

You are not limited to crossfade any more : use a built-in one or design your own transition with a movie or an ISF shader.


With this brand new powerful feature, you can do almost everything : control Millumin, control a random another application, get data from Internet, react to Millumin’s or MIDI, OSC, LeapMotion… events.
 More info in this article : Scripts
 For example, synchronizing columns between 2 computers has never been that easy :

Timelines with Multiple Canvases

Design your timeline with multiple spaces. And of course, you can embed such a timeline in the dashboard, this will nicely display the content for each canvas of your timeline.

Output Warping

Quickly warp with double-clicks and drags.

Scaling Constraint

We redesigned the constraints applied to a layer, so you can quickly fit and fill the canvas, or use a custom size. Very practical for pixel-perfect content.

Rearrange Canvases

Whatever you have a few or many canvases, rearrange them in the workspace in a snap …

Audio at Layer-level

Manage the audio for all the media of a layer at once. Pretty handy.

Generate Timecode

For many years, Millumin was able to receive timecodes, but now, it can directly generate some.

Swap Media in Library

Because you prepared your show at home, you used this placeholder instead of the real camera, and now you want to swap media in your project? Well, right-click and it is done.

Manage Multiple Columns

Insert, duplicate, move, remove, … a batch of columns easily.

New Color-picker

A new and elegant way to choose a color :

Timeline Proxy

For timelines that can ask some resources to be rendered, especially timelines embed in timelines embed in timelines, … use a proxy to pre-render everything 👌

Bezier Keyframes

If you are one of those who want great precision to animate, here are the bezier keyframes !

Laser Masks

Use masks to avoid projecting lasers in some areas.
 It can also be used to attenuate laser intensity, as masks have opacity.

Additionally, we improved the preview in the laser-setup so that it is in real time now.

AJA update for Inputs/Outputs

We have updated Millumin to use the latest AJA library, thus supporting recent devices.

Wifi communication for Arduino™

The Arduino™ Uno R4 now features Wifi : while programming still requires USB connection, the data can flow via Wifi, allowing you to communication without any cable between your computer and your Arduino™.
 Millumin also now supports the Arduino™ Uno R4 Minima.

General Improvements

  • browser media updated to Chromium 103
  • choose network for OSC
  • copy OSC address from properties-view
  • copy all OSC addresses from Device-panel
  • create interactions from properties-view
  • embed data-track templates
  • mute a data-track
  • show trimmed movies in the interface
  • animate properties of independent-layers
  • option to make audio-volume follow layer-opacity
  • auto-reset movie selection (see Millumin’s Settings)
  • layer's eye icon now mutes the audio as well
  • dedicated button for snapping
  • create a timeline from a media in the library
  • better zoom controls in the dashboard and timelines
  • font-style for text-media
  • more dynamic interface for effects and masks
  • NDI 6 support
  • supporting 10-bits YUV format for Blackmagic outputs
  • exporting timelines to HEVC/H265 codec
  • refactored movie player (a bit faster)
  • faster media import / project opening

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