
Millumin is able to execute AppleScript script program to automate task on the computer.

Create a Script

A script media can be create from the + button of the library:

Then, the script can be found in the Programs group of the library:

Edit a Script

The script can be edited from the properties-view in the Current Media tab:

  • name: the script’s name.
  • running: green if the script is currently running, red if not.
  • scrip editor: where to write the script.
  • template: generate default script that can then been edited in the scrip editor above.
    • Run an application: ask to launch an application by its name.
    • Quit an application: ask to quit an application by its name.
    • Open a document: ask an application to open a document.
    • Show an application: ask to put an application in the desktop’s front.
    • Hide an application: ask to hide an application.
    • Run an application in the background: ask to launch an application in the background.
    • Execute application’s menu-item: ask to execute one of the item of the application’s menu-bar.
    • Execute application’s keystroke: send a keyboard event to an application.
    • Execute a shell script: default script.
  • Test button: execute the script.

Keep in mind that these properties are all shared by all the media occurences in boards and timelines.

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